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Dietary supplements (bioactive supplements)

Dietary supplements - a natural helper in the fight for health


Buds are nutritional supplements to the daily diet, created on a natural basis without the admixture of synthetic substances. Certain combinations of vitamins and minerals will help restore the normal function of a particular system. Complex variants are acceptable for prevention, prevention of most diseases, good health.


Who should buy dietary supplements?


Unfortunately, the level of ecology makes every inhabitant of the planet more susceptible to one disease or another. People at risk include people

  • with a genetic predisposition to certain diseases;
  • who lead passive lifestyles with poor nutrition;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children in the period of active growth and puberty;
  • over 50 years of age, menopause and menopause;
  • subjected to constant mental and physical strain and stress.


Standard Classification of dietary supplements


In the distribution of biologically active components by the way of their synthesis, active effect on the body. The main groups by functionality are presented in the table:



Types of substances



B organic compounds, vitamins A, C, E, D (D3), K

to support the productive work of organs and systems, increase immunity, reproductive function


Iodine, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, etc.

regulate the cardiovascular, hematopoietic system, prevent bone disease, joint pain, anemia


 20 substances based on complex peptide-linked protein synthesis

work with metabolism, adjust the processes of assimilation and breakdown of useful substances from the food supplied to the body, prevent early aging


 various vitamin and mineral complexes with an increased amount of nutrients

for all those who face regular exhausting physical exertion, striving to build muscle mass naturally

Fatty acids

essential fats, e.g. linoleic acid, Omega (3/6)

are an essential component for the formation of cellular structure, membrane protection against decay and pathological processes


Lacto- and bifidobacteria

To maintain intestinal microflora, recovery from antibiotic and other disorders

Food additives


extracts, emulsions and extracts from medicinal herbs, flowers, seeds

Helpers for wholesome nutrition, comprehensive treatment along with medical drugs, and overall body improvement


The modern form of release of dietary supplements


Having determined the purpose, the question arises: what kind of supplements to buy? Huge jars with labels can confuse an inexperienced buyer. The main criterion will be the presence of quality certificates with the GMP-group brand. This characteristic will indicate the conduct of laboratory studies, the effectiveness of the drug, the absence of dangerous substances in the composition.  

  • Choosing bioactive supplements, you can find the most convenient option for taking:
  • suspensions in the form of powders for newborns, children under 3 years old, bodybuilders;
  • Bada tablets with different shapes and sizes for standard intake;
  • Buds in capsules with a thickened shell. Characteristic of probiotics, which should only dissolve after entering the small intestine;
  • emulsions in the form of drops to dissolve the component in water or juice.


Are you looking for some quality nutritional supplements?


Buy in Kiev inexpensive complex from well-known brands can be in the online store Each of us is an individuality, so to choose from a huge range of dietary supplements. Order can be received at the nearest post office in all cities of Ukraine.

Frequent questions about: Organic supplements
💊 What are the benefits of supplements?

The benefit of biological supplements is that with their help it is quite easy to replenish vital microelements in the body, to fight various diseases. They give tone and strength, help you lose weight and so on. See more at

🌿 Why take supplements when almost all the goodness is in foods?

In order to get the necessary daily allowance, you will have to take citrus fruits or, for example, shrimp by kilograms or even dozens of kilograms. This can lead to irreparable consequences. With the help of supplements, it is easy to control the amount of vitamins received without harming the body. See more at

💚 What are the different types of nutritional supplements (dietary supplements)?

Nutraceuticals are similar in composition to vitamins, improve well-being, increase tone. Parapharmaceuticals support the work of vital organs. Eubiotics for prevention and therapy of the gastrointestinal tract. See more on the website

👌 Where to buy quality dietary supplements in Ukraine?

The site of the online store contains a wide range of dietary supplements at reasonable prices. Here you can comfortably choose the appropriate supplement, read the description and place an order. Delivery is carried out throughout the territory of Ukraine. See more on the site