for the conclusion of a contract for the sale of goods

This Public Offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) is an offer of DO UA Limited Liability Company, EDRPOU code 45223262 (hereinafter referred to as the Seller), to conclude a contract for the sale of goods using the technical capabilities of the website https://dobavki. ua/ua (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), on the terms and conditions specified in the Agreement with any person regardless of their status (individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur) who has accepted the terms of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) and meets the requirements established by the Agreement. 

This Agreement is public in accordance with Articles 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and its terms are the same for all Buyers.

Before placing an order, please read the contents of the Offer carefully. If you do not agree with any of the terms of this Offer, please do not provide any personal information.

In order to conclude the Agreement, the Buyer must make an acceptance, i.e. provide its full and unconditional consent to conclude the Agreement on the terms set forth in the Offer by placing a corresponding mark on the Site. 

In order to regulate the contractual relations under the Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by its terms, documents constituting its integral part, as well as the norms of Ukrainian legislation (Civil Code of Ukraine No. 435-IV dated January 16, 2003, Commercial Code of Ukraine No. 436-IV dated January 16. 2003, the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights" No. 1023-XII dated 12.05.1991, the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Commerce" No. 675-VIII dated 03.09.2015, other acts regulating relations arising under this Agreement) and the norms of international law regulating relations arising under this Agreement. 


Seller - DO UA Limited Liability Company, EDRPOU code 45223262, registered at: 79005, Lviv region, Lviv, 19 Dudayeva J. Str., sq. 1, acting as an attorney (commission agent) on its own behalf and in the interests of manufacturers and distributors of goods, a list of which can be found at

Goods or Service - the object of the parties' agreement, the description of which is posted on the Seller's behalf on the Site, which was selected by the Buyer on the Site and placed in the basket, or has already been purchased by the Buyer from the Seller. 

Buyer - a person (individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur) who orders the Goods from the Seller using the Website on the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement.

Order - the Buyer's application for the purchase of the Goods independently selected on the Site, which is executed and provided to the Seller using the software tools of the Site.

Website - a publicly accessible website owned by the Seller, located on the Internet at, open for free visual inspection by any person, together with all pages, subdomains and software that displays information about the Goods.

Personal data - information or a set of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified.

Significant defect of the Goods - a defect that makes it impossible or unacceptable to use the Goods in accordance with their intended purpose, arose through the fault of the manufacturer / seller, after its elimination it appears again for reasons independent of the consumer and is endowed with at least one of the following features

a) it cannot be eliminated at all;

b) its elimination requires more than fourteen calendar days

c) it makes the goods significantly different from those provided for in the Agreement.

   8. Recipient - a person specified by the Buyer in the Order form as a person authorized by the Buyer to receive the purchased Goods and/or Services (unless otherwise specified in the Order form, the Recipient is the Buyer).


This Agreement governs the sale and purchase of the Goods by means of the technical capabilities of the Website, including:

a) voluntary selection by the Buyer of the Goods by category;

b) independent execution of the Order by the Buyer;

c) payment by the Buyer for the Order;

d) fulfillment of the Order and transfer of the Goods to the Buyer's ownership;

e) the rules for using the Website. 

Full and undisputed acceptance of the Offer is the fact of placing an Order by clicking on the "place an order" button and purchasing the goods in the manner prescribed by this Agreement at the prices indicated on the Site.

The Seller confirms that it has all the necessary permits to carry out economic activities provided for by the legislation governing the scope of legal relations arising and operating in the course of the Agreement, and also guarantees that it has the right to sell the Goods without any restrictions, in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine and undertakes to bear responsibility in case of violation of the Buyer's rights in the course of the Agreement and the sale of the Goods.


The Seller shall transfer the Goods to the Buyer on the basis of the Order, and the Buyer shall pay for and accept the Goods in the manner and on the terms and conditions specified herein.

The Seller warrants that the Goods are not pledged, seized and are not subject to the rights of third parties, except for the rights of the Attorneys.

The ownership of the Goods shall be transferred to the Buyer upon delivery (transfer) of the Goods to the User or the person whom he/she shall indicate (the Recipient), or to the carrier, communication organization, etc. for shipment, forwarding to the User and subject to full payment by the Buyer of the cost of the Goods in the manner and on the terms and conditions established by this Agreement.

The risk of accidental loss or damage to the Goods shall be transferred to the Buyer from the moment the Buyer or the Recipient receives the Goods in the city of delivery of the Goods upon self-delivery of the Goods from the Seller.


By means of the technical capabilities of the Site, the Buyer is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the Seller's offers of the Goods and place an Order.

The Buyer has the right to place an Order for any Product presented on the Site and available from the Seller. 

The Buyer independently places an Order through the Site by adding the selected Goods to the "My Cart" by clicking the "Buy" or "Order Quickly" button, filling out the form and confirming acceptance of the Offer.

Each item of the Goods may be presented in the Order in any quantity.

In the form, the Buyer must indicate his surname, name and patronymic (if any), his contact phone number, e-mail address, the chosen payment method, the chosen method and the desired place of delivery of the Goods (if the Buyer wishes to receive the Goods with delivery), the surname, name and patronymic (if any) of the Recipient of the Goods.

The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy, relevance and completeness of the information provided when filling out the fields on the Site, as well as its compliance with the legislation of Ukraine. The Seller does not assume any obligations to verify and change the information provided by the Buyer when filling out the fields on the Site. 

After filling out the "Place an Order" form, the Buyer must carefully read all the terms of this Agreement and, in case of acceptance of the Offer in full, clicks the "Place an Order" button, which is considered the fact that the Buyer has sent the relevant Order for the selected Goods, as well as the Buyer's unconditional and full acceptance of all the terms of this Agreement.

By clicking on the "Checkout" button, the Buyer confirms that he has been notified by the Seller of the location and mode of operation of the Seller's online store, the Goods (including the price, main characteristics and consumer properties of the Goods), the terms of payment and delivery of the Goods, the procedure for accepting claims, etc.

The term for processing the Order for the Goods by the Seller is up to 30 calendar days from the date of the Buyer's Order. If the Order for the Goods was sent by the Buyer on a weekend or a holiday, the term for processing and execution of this Order for the Goods shall begin on the first business day after the weekend or holiday.

Within the period established by clause 3.5 of this Agreement, the Seller undertakes to:

confirm the availability of the Goods and assign a serial number to the Order;

send to the e-mail address specified by the Buyer in the Order for the Goods, a notification of processing of this Order for the Goods, which shall indicate the serial number of this Order for the Goods assigned by the Seller and information on the delivery time of the Goods ordered by the Buyer (if the Buyer ordered the Goods with delivery) or in another way, in particular by telephone, to inform the Buyer about the acceptance of the Order for work;

send the Buyer's order code to the sender to the e-mail address or contact phone number in order to ensure delivery.

The Seller has the right to reject the Order in case of actual absence of the Goods in the warehouse by sending an e-mail or a phone call to the Buyer. In this case, the rights and obligations of the Parties related to the sale, delivery and transfer of the ordered Goods to the Buyer and payment to the Seller provided for in this Agreement shall be terminated, and the cost of the Goods paid by the Buyer with a bank card online shall be returned to the card from which the payment was made.

The Seller has the right to refuse to transfer the order to the Buyer if the information provided by the Buyer when placing the order is incomplete or raises suspicion about their validity.

Delivery of the ordered Goods is carried out in accordance with the conditions specified on the Website in the section "Payment and Delivery". 

Delivery of the Goods can be carried out in the following ways:

by mail (to the appropriate branch of Nova Poshta/Ukraine Post/other delivery service specified when placing the Order);

by courier to the address specified when placing the Order (provided that the delivery service has a corresponding service in this locality);

independent receipt of the Goods at the address: Lviv, 77 S. Bandera St.

If the Buyer has ordered the Goods with delivery, the Seller undertakes to deliver the Goods to the Buyer or the Recipient within the period specified in the relevant automatic electronic message about the processing of the Order, but in any case not later than 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of conclusion of this Agreement by the Buyer, and to hand over/transfer the ordered Goods to the Buyer or the Recipient at the place of delivery of the Goods specified by the Buyer in the relevant Order.

The territory of delivery of the Goods presented on the Site is limited to the borders of Ukraine and delivery capabilities.

In case of delivery of the Goods by courier service, the courier service shall be responsible for the safety of the Goods until they are transferred to the Buyer.

In case of delay in delivery of the Goods through no fault of the Seller, the delivery period may be extended by 10 calendar days, provided that the Seller notifies the Buyer of the delay in advance by sending a notice to the Buyer's e-mail or by phone specified by the Buyer. Such an extension of time shall not constitute a breach of the obligation under the Agreement.

The Goods are transferred to the Buyer or the Recipient of the Goods in a properly packaged form.

Upon receipt of the Goods, the Buyer or the Recipient shall, in the presence of a postal employee or courier, check the compliance of the Goods with the qualitative and quantitative characteristics (name of the goods, quantity, completeness).

Upon acceptance of the Goods, the Buyer or the Recipient shall confirm with his/her signature in the sales receipt and/or delivery order that he/she has no claims to the quantity of the Goods, appearance and completeness of the Goods.

In the event of defects in the Goods, the Buyer or the Recipient shall record them in an act of any form or in a form developed by the Seller/courier. The act shall be signed by the Buyer or the Recipient and the courier. If possible, the defects shall be recorded by means of photography or video recording. Within 1 (one) day, the Buyer shall notify the manager (the Seller's representative responsible for placing the order for the Goods) of the identified defects and agree on the replacement of the Goods or a refund (subject to payment), while filling out the Complaint Act (an individual shall additionally fill out the Act on the issuance of funds upon return of goods subject to prepayment). 

The Parties agreed that in case of non-compliance with the mandatory requirements provided for in clause 4.18. of this Agreement, the receipt by the Buyer or the Recipient of the Goods in proper condition and in full completeness is recognized.

To clarify the date, time and, if necessary, the delivery route, please contact the manager who contacts the Buyer to confirm the order, or by e-mail, which is indicated on the website

The Buyer understands and agrees that delivery is a separate service that is not an integral part of the Goods purchased by the Buyer, the performance of which ends upon receipt of the Goods by the Buyer. Claims to the quality of the purchased Goods arising after receipt and payment for the Goods shall be considered in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights". In this regard, the purchase of the Goods with delivery does not provide for the possibility of refunding the cost of delivery of the Goods in cases where the Buyer is entitled to a refund for the Goods as such, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection".


The prices for the Goods and services are determined by the Seller independently and are indicated on the Website. All prices for the Goods and Services are indicated on the Website in UAH including VAT.

Prices for the Goods and Services may be changed by the Seller unilaterally depending on market conditions. 

In the event of a change in the price of the ordered Goods, the Seller undertakes to inform the Buyer of the change in the price of the Goods.

The Buyer has the right to confirm or cancel the Order for the purchase of the Goods if the price is changed by the Seller after placing the Order.

At the same time, the price of a separate unit of the Goods, the cost of which is paid by the Buyer in full, cannot be changed by the Seller unilaterally.

Information about the product displayed on the Site is dynamic. This means that the information can be updated, changed and supplemented by the Seller at any time without prior notice to the Buyer. Any information about the Seller's goods, terms of the promotion, prices of the goods, and any other rules for the provision of services by the Seller are displayed on the Site.

The total cost of the Order consists of the cost of the Goods (indicated on the Site) and the cost of delivery (if the Buyer chooses the appropriate option).

The cost of delivery of the Goods shall be paid by the Buyer independently upon receipt, unless otherwise agreed upon when placing the Order.

Payment for the Services shall be made by bank transfer on the Website through payment services with appropriate licenses. The Buyer independently chooses the method of payment for the Goods that suits him among those offered on the Site.

All payments shall be made in the national currency of Ukraine - hryvnia.

The Buyer shall be fully and solely responsible for all commission expenses and other expenses provided by the bank that may be added to the cost of the bank card issuers. The Buyer agrees to the processing of his/her personal payment data. 

The Buyer's obligations to pay for the Goods shall be considered fulfilled from the moment the Seller receives funds to its account.

The Seller has the right to provide discounts on the Goods and establish bonus programs at its discretion. The types of discounts, bonuses, the procedure and conditions for their accrual are indicated on the Site and may be changed by the Seller unilaterally.


The Buyer has the right to:

require the Seller to comply with the terms of this Agreement;

leave comments on the Site, any other web resource, in social networks that directly or indirectly relate to the Seller, the Goods;

use all available services and information sections of the Site for the purpose of analyzing, selecting, ordering, paying or studying the available Goods;

to order the Goods for third parties or on their behalf, only if the Buyer has been authorized by these persons to select and order the Goods, as well as to provide the personal data required to order the Goods;

submit to the Seller for consideration their wishes and/or suggestions for improving the operation of the Site

The Buyer is obliged:

before concluding this Agreement, familiarize yourself with its content, terms and conditions and prices offered by the Seller on all pages of the Site; 

timely pay for and receive the Order on the terms and in the manner prescribed by this Agreement;

comply with the terms of this Agreement;

send the Seller truthful, complete, reliable and up-to-date information, monitor its updates and notify of changes in such information;

not to violate the rights and business reputation of the Seller, in particular intellectual property rights;

to place an Order on the Website independently;

upon receipt of the Goods from the courier, verify its integrity and completeness by inspecting the contents of the package. In case of damage and incomplete completeness, record them in the act, which must be signed by the courier together with the Buyer, or refuse to receive the goods, and notify the Seller by the means of communication indicated on the Site;

The Buyer is prohibited from

to influence the operation of the Site by methods that may result in disruption of its operation;

enter false, irrelevant, or inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement data;

download, store, publish, distribute and provide access to or otherwise use viruses and other malicious programs;

disseminate any false information that compromises the Seller or damages its business reputation;

The Seller has the right:

at its sole discretion, at any time make any changes to the Site without special notice or warning to the Buyer, add new or reduce existing items of the Goods, change prices for the Goods, services and functionality available on the Site, design;

to carry out preventive maintenance to maintain and improve the Website;

store and process information received in the process of receiving and fulfilling Orders without interfering with the information itself;

send electronic messages to the Buyer's e-mail containing information about the Site, the Goods;

monitor (control) and record telephone calls received by the Buyer, the Website support service, conduct a selective audit of e-mail correspondence to ensure the proper level of service and fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, as well as the use, exercise and protection of their rights and legitimate interests related to legal relations arising from this Agreement;

The Seller is obliged to:

ensure and guarantee that the quality of the Goods meets the quality requirements on the territory of Ukraine;

to transfer the Goods to the Buyer in accordance with the Order and the terms of this Agreement;

comply with the terms of this Agreement;

by all possible means to maintain the constant performance and availability of the Website for the Buyers;

provide the Buyers with reliable information regarding its activities under this Agreement by publishing it on the Website;

6.6. The Seller warrants to the Buyer that:

6.6.1. uses generally accepted standards of technological and operational protection of information and personal data of the Buyer from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction, and takes measures for the proper operation of the Site. However, despite all efforts and precautions, the Seller cannot guarantee the constant, error-free, accurate operation of the Website, absolute security of information from any threats arising outside its regulation, including, but not limited to, if such threats have arisen as a result of illegal/negligent actions of the Buyer, its representatives, employees, authorized persons;

6.6.2. make every effort to eliminate any failures and errors in the functioning of the Website that may complicate the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement. However, the Seller does not guarantee the complete absence of errors and failures when using the Website and reserves the right to suspend the Website for the time being to eliminate technical malfunctions;

6.6.3. provide access to the Buyer's information and personal data to authorized employees/persons who have agreed to ensure the confidentiality of such information and data in accordance with the Seller's requirements.


The Parties shall be liable under this Agreement in the cases and amounts established by the current legislation of Ukraine.

The Seller shall not be liable in case of: 

ignorance or non-compliance by the Buyer with the terms of this Agreement; 

the Buyer's negligent attitude to security measures and protection of his personal, payment or other data; 

impossibility to fulfill the obligations assumed, due to inaccuracy, insufficiency and untimely provision of information by the Buyer or violation by the Buyer of the terms of this Agreement.

The Buyer shall be responsible for posting reviews and/or comments and/or false information on the Site, other web resource, social networks about the Goods or the Seller, etc. 

The Buyer is fully responsible for providing information about the means of communication with him (e-mail address, phone number, etc.), as well as the risks associated with the possible consequences of using an incorrect e-mail address/incorrect phone number, including the actions of third parties.

The Seller shall not be liable for improper, untimely fulfillment of the Orders and its obligations in case the Buyer provides false or incorrect information.

The Seller shall not be liable, may not act as a defendant in court and shall not compensate for losses incurred by the Buyer due to the actions or inaction of third parties.

The Seller shall not be liable for the appearance and packaging of the goods changed by the manufacturer.

The Seller shall not be liable for any damages and non-pecuniary damage incurred by the Buyer as a result of misunderstanding or misunderstanding of information about the ordering/payment procedure, as well as the procedure for receiving and using the Goods, as well as for the inconsistency of the Goods with the Buyer's expectations and/or his subjective assessment. Advice and recommendations provided to the Buyer by the Seller cannot be considered as a guarantee.


In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 19, 1994 No. 172 "On the Implementation of Certain Provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection":

- food products of good quality are not subject to exchange and return;

- non-food products of good quality are subject to exchange and return.

The buyer has the right to return goods of good quality within 14 (fourteen) days, excluding the day of purchase. The return of goods of good quality is carried out if they have not been used and if their presentation, consumer properties, packaging, seals, labels, as well as the payment document issued to the Buyer for payment for the Goods are preserved.

The cost of the Goods of good quality shall be refunded by bank transfer to the Buyer's account within 10 business days from the date of receipt of the Goods.

The return of the Goods of good quality to the Seller's address shall be made at the expense of the Buyer and shall not be reimbursed by the Seller to the Buyer.

In case of detection of defects in the Goods during the established warranty period, the Buyer personally, in the manner and within the time limits established by the legislation of Ukraine, has the right to make claims to the Seller provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights". In case of claims for free elimination of defects, the period for their elimination shall be calculated from the date of receipt of the Goods by the Seller at its disposal and physical access to such Goods.

The Seller shall consider the requirements provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection", provided that the Buyer provides the documents provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine. The Seller shall not be liable for defects in the Goods that arose after their transfer to the Buyer as a result of the Buyer's violation of the rules for the use or storage of the Goods, actions of third parties or force majeure.

The Buyer shall not be entitled to refuse the Goods of good quality with individually defined properties if the said Goods can be used exclusively by the Buyer who purchased them (including, at the Buyer's request, non-standard sizes, characteristics, appearance, equipment, etc.) Confirmation of the fact that the goods have individually defined properties is the difference in the size of the goods and other characteristics indicated on the Site.

The return of the Goods, in cases provided for by law and this Agreement, shall be carried out at the address indicated on the website in the "Contacts" section.


The Parties shall be released from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement if such failure was the result of an event or force majeure circumstances (force majeure) that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement. 

Force majeure circumstances shall be understood as circumstances that exclude or objectively impede the fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement, which are objective in nature and which the Parties could not have foreseen or prevented. 

The Parties refer to such conditions, in particular: circumstances caused by exceptional weather conditions and natural disasters, interruptions in the operation of communication networks, failure or disconnection of power supply, interruptions in the operation and access to the Internet and other communication networks, actions or orders of any governmental authorities, currency restrictions, emergencies of a local or national scale, blockades, military embargoes, general military mobilization, military operations, acts of terrorism, revolutions, uprisings mass riots, strike, accident, illegal actions of third parties, epidemics, fire, explosion, long interruptions in the operation of transport, embargoes, export/import ban (restriction), conditions regulated by the relevant decisions and acts of state and local authorities, as well as circumstances related to the elimination of consequences caused by exceptional weather conditions and unforeseen situations, as well as other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Parties. 

The Party affected by force majeure shall notify the other Party in writing (by sending a valuable letter with a list of attachments and acknowledgment of receipt or by sending an e-mail) of the occurrence of such circumstances and their consequences no later than two (2) business days from the date of their occurrence. At the same time, such Party shall, within the same period, apply to the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (other body authorized by the applicable law to certify the occurrence of force majeure) to obtain a document certifying the occurrence of force majeure in accordance with the established procedure. Upon receipt of such document, the Party shall provide it to the other Party within 10 business days from the date of receipt. Similar actions shall be performed by the Party in case of termination of force majeure and its consequences.

If the Party affected by force majeure fails to notify or timely notify the other Party of such circumstances, such Party shall be deprived of the right to refer to force majeure as a reason for failure to fulfill its obligations.

If the force majeure circumstances last for more than three months, either Party shall have the right to terminate the Agreement. In this case, the Agreement shall be deemed terminated from the date of receipt by the Party of the other Party's notice of withdrawal from the Agreement or from the 30th calendar day from the date of sending the Party's notice of withdrawal from the Agreement (whichever occurs first). In this case, neither Party shall have the right to demand that the other Party pay for the damages incurred.

The subject of personal data (subject) has the right to:

to know about the sources of collection, location of their personal data, the purpose of their processing, location or place of residence (stay) of the owner or manager of personal data or to give a corresponding order to obtain this information to persons authorized by him/her, except in cases established by the legislation of Ukraine

receive information about the conditions for granting access to personal data, including information about third parties to whom the subject's personal data is transferred;

to have access to their personal data;

receive a response on whether your personal data is processed no later than 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases established by the legislation of Ukraine, as well as receive the content of such personal data;

submit a reasoned request to the Owner of the personal data base with an objection to the processing of your personal data;

to submit a reasoned request to change or destroy his/her personal data by any owner and administrator of personal data, if such data is processed illegally or is unreliable;

to protect their personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision, as well as to protect against the provision of information that is inaccurate or discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual;

file complaints about the processing of their personal data to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights or to the court;

apply for legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on personal data protection;

to make reservations regarding the restriction of the right to process their personal data when providing consent;

withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;

to know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;

to be protected from an automated decision that has legal consequences for you.

The Seller uses generally accepted standards of technological and operational protection of information and personal data from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. However, despite its best efforts, the Seller cannot guarantee absolute protection against any threats arising outside its control.

The Seller provides access to information and personal data only to authorized employees who have agreed to ensure the confidentiality of such information and data in accordance with its requirements.

The dissemination of personal data without the consent of the Subject or his/her authorized person is allowed in cases determined by law and only (if necessary) in the interests of national security, economic well-being and human rights. 

It shall not be considered a violation of the Seller's provision of information to counterparties and third parties acting on the basis of an agreement with the Seller, including for the fulfillment of obligations to the Buyer, relations in the field of consumer protection, advertising and market research, and also gives its consent to the transfer (dissemination) of its data to freight forwarding and courier organizations, any banks and/or financial institutions and other third parties (without limitation) at the discretion of the Seller, as well as in cases where the disclosure of such information is required by law.

In the course of its work, the Seller engages other companies and individuals who perform many functions. For example, the fulfillment and delivery of orders, providing customer support, ordering certain agencies to administer promotional campaigns, data analysis, etc. These agencies may have access to personal information if it is necessary to perform their functions, but they are prohibited from using personal information for any purpose other than that specified in this Agreement, and the Seller requires them to maintain confidentiality.

General information refers to such aspects as the number of visitors to the site, which pages they visit, what information they download, the type of web browser and operating system they use, the name of the Internet service provider, etc. When the Buyer visits our website, we automatically receive this information and summarize it with similar data about other visitors. By collecting such information, we analyze how to better tailor our website to the needs of visitors/Buyers.

Consent to the use of the Buyer's personal information can be withdrawn at any time. To do this, it is enough to send an e-mail with a note in the subject line "Personal data" to the following address:


This Agreement and all legal relations arising out of or related to this Agreement, including those related to the validity, conclusion, execution, amendment and termination of this Agreement, interpretation of its terms, determination of the consequences of invalidity or breach of the Agreement, shall be governed by this Agreement and the applicable laws of Ukraine. 

Recognition of any provision of this Agreement as invalid, void or inapplicable shall not cause invalidity or voidance of the Agreement as a whole, unless otherwise provided by the applicable laws of Ukraine.

The Seller may, without any reservations and at any time, transfer or assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part to third parties of its own choosing. 

Amendments and additions to this Agreement shall be an integral part of this Agreement and shall prevail over this Agreement if they contradict it. Amendments shall take effect from the moment they are published on the Website.

The Seller may, at its sole discretion, amend the terms of this Agreement from time to time. The Seller will publish the changes on the Website, indicating the date of the last version of this Agreement. 

The Seller is not obliged to notify the Buyer of any changes to the Agreement. The Buyer undertakes to independently and regularly check for updates to the terms of the Agreement and its latest version. 

The electronic version of this Agreement, including any electronic or SMS message, shall be equivalent to official communication on paper, shall not require additional certification, shall be considered proper evidence, and shall have the same force as any other documents or communications made on paper, and shall be used in resolving any claims or disputes that may arise in relation to the performance of this Agreement. 

The Seller reserves the right to expand and reduce the product offer on the Site, regulate access to the purchase of any Goods, as well as suspend or terminate the sale of any Goods at its sole discretion.

The Website and the services provided by the Seller to the Buyer on the Website may be temporarily partially/completely unavailable due to preventive or other technical work on the Website. The Seller's technical service has the right to periodically carry out the necessary preventive or other work with prior notice to the Buyers or, if necessary, without notice.

The Buyer confirms that he has read and agreed to all its terms and conditions before entering into this Agreement, and has consciously entered into this Agreement without any coercion.

In the event of any disagreements or disputes related to this Agreement, the Ukrainian version shall prevail.

In case of any claims/suggestions, the Buyer may contact  

by writing to In the subject line of the letter, please indicate the order number and the word "Claim" or "Offer" respectively.


Limited Liability Company "DO UA",

EDRPOU code 45223262

location: Lviv, 19 Dudayeva J. St., bldg. 1


Phone: +380983334470 

© All rights reserved.

The version of the Agreement was updated as of 01.10.2023.